If a woman goes to Planned Parenthood for birth control and discovers in the course of her visit that she has high blood pressure, Planned Parenthood can't help her. She has to be referred to a FQHC for treatment.
I have seen women literally run into the abortion facility because someone was yelling Bible verses at them or pushing a graphic image in their faces.
Being 'pro-life' means standing up for all life, valuing all life.
Why do I leave the March for Life every year happier than when I came? Hope and gratefulness are the reasons. Gratefulness for the life we have and the life we've given and hope for the future, to live in a world where abortion becomes unthinkable.
I wish I had a dollar for every pro-choicer who told me that abortion has to be accessible for poor women... as if being poor makes you an unfit mother.
We can be mothers and have careers. We can finish our education with children in tow. Is it a challenge? Yep. But women are made for challenges. We are strong enough to handle the challenges presented to us. It's what we were made to do.