Even though there are so many different 'kinds' of music - different textures, different timbres, different attitudes - there is something divine at the core of all music.
I always wanted to be cheered up. I felt like that feeling of the first day of summer or when a girl would agree to go on a date or you found a $20 bill - that undeniable rush of excitement - I wanted to make a soundtrack of music for that kind of moment.
A high five is a very open kind of hand, but it can still smack you.
A lot of times, adults confuse growing up or becoming more mature with a sense of seriousness, a sense of boringness, a sense of just stupidness.
I think all of our concerts, really, as parties. It's a performance for sure. It's not a recital. It's a celebration of that music.
It seems like your dreams are your own spirit, your own soul, telling you what you're meant to do and getting you psyched up with the idea of thinking that it was your idea all along.