You've got to love what you do. You've got to like doing it, because it is a lot of your life.
I don't know how many bands I saw who would try to wreck a hotel room, but I never wrecked a hotel room in my life! If I'm gonna sit there and throw a TV out the window... if it's a good TV, maybe I should just take it home.
I have the Internet, but the first that happens with it is my machine will crash. I get by when it's operating. What would I know about updating?
For me, New York has always been a city of unpredictability. You can never guess what's going to happen next.
We've always been quite clear about how we want the songs to sound. If we can imagine the song being played at a party, and it gets people tapping their feet, then it's in.
I don't regard myself as a soloist. It's a color; I put it in for excitement. It's not great loss if a solo has to go. We've made songs without solos.