I've learned that anyone capable of adoring you is equally capable of abhorring you.
I was an emotional wreck even as a young child, fearful and tearful.
Sometimes you have to shove all the surface stuff to the side in order to see what's underneath.
As an 18-year-old, I really sensed the call of God. What was interesting about that time was, I come from a very conservative part of the body of Christ, so there was really nothing for a woman to do.
I was the worst teacher you have ever imagined - not that we did not have fun. We had a ton of fun. We just did not learn any scripture. I would think all week long what could I talk about on Sunday, and then I would scramble on Saturday to find some kind of scripture to go with it. This was my teaching.
The Word of God is so much broader than people are giving it credit for. Look at Proverbs, a book written on how to live.