I believe that the plight of life and all existence is to master one's self, you know, one day at a time.
I'm all about taking chances. You have to ask yourself, if you're not taking any chances, are you actually even living? Every time you walk out of your door and you're out in the world, you take a chance on not coming back. That is the danger and the dynamic of being alive.
I'm like Shrek. Shrek's a nice guy, but people keep alienating him, like they did with me in my younger life. I'm very loving and kind and generous - I'm a sweetheart!
I'm not trying to emulate or imitate. But I do believe that I embody that spirit from Robert Johnson on up.
Predictability is the cousin of death: I don't necessarily want people to see me coming. You know?
In my opinion, hip-hop has a lot to do with rock and roll, because at one point it was considered an alternative - edgy, independent. Hip-hop is pots and pans the way that punk is garage. You make something out of nothing.