You'll never wish you were more of a bastard. Treat everyone you encounter with respect, and they'll respect you and your business. Even more than respect, compassion goes a low way. -- Carl Natenstedt, CEO Z5 Inventory
I think it’s important to be attentive to opportunities that might unexpectedly arise—and be prepared to take them. Practically, this means having broad interests, interacting with people from different professional backgrounds, and building a generalizable skillset that can be applied to different problems. -- Dennis Grishin, Cofounder and CSO Nebula Genomics
I am happier because I believe good things are in my future and because I know that even if something bad happens, it is happening to bring me to a better place than I was before. -- Aneela Idnani Cofounder and President, Habit Aware
Your team comes first! It’s not your team’s job to adapt to you, it’s your job to adapt to them. You are as strong as the team you surround yourself with. They will be the reason you succeed, but they won’t be the reason you fail. -- Dr. Hitesh Tolani CEO AND FOUNDER, VIRTUDENT