In a world overloaded with information and content, there is simply no excuse for fans to be ill-informed about women's football.
I've been at Chelsea five years and been the butt of many jokes. And I give it back sometimes. That is the beauty of team spirit in a healthy dressing room. I'm not a sensitive, precious person.
We can be tackled but referees are there to police dangerous challenges. Forwards are protected by the laws of the game and the way it's played, while defenders and midfielders have to throw themselves about a bit more.
When you look at some of the greatest people and players in the world they all stand for something outside their working lives.
Just because someone doesn't have a silver spoon in their mouth doesn't mean they can't be highly intelligent.
Rita Guarino is one of the best technical coaches I have had in my career - often she demonstrates a specific technique and shows the players up!