We must demand that blacks work, stop making babies out of wedlock, and raise their children.
Americans do not have to agree on everything, but we should be united on what we know is right and against what is wrong. And we all know that the Democrat Party is wrong, as is the liberal media who collude with them - wolves in sheep's clothing.
There's an order to life: God in Christ, Christ in man, man over woman, and woman over children. When this order is broken or violated, you have 'hell' on earth.
Trump's enemies pretend to care about his past with women or about 'children.' But really, they hate good men, good women, unborn babies, and children - they actively target, brainwash, and corrupt innocent children, teaching them that wrong is right and right is wrong.
There are no 'strong women.' And men, don't say, 'Real men don't try to bully women.' If a woman attacks you, you fight back.
Government social programs introduced in the '60s by liberal Democratic politicians seduced black men into relying on 'programs' over God.