Sun Cellular is the biggest investment in my business career.
I only take vitamin B complex. Before World War II, I used to take ionized yeast, because in the pre-war era we never heard about vitamins.
As a boy in school, I already had the drive to be No. 1. If I achieve my goals, OK, but if not, I always ask why and try to rectify myself.
I'm from Cebu. I was one year old when I came here to Cebu from Fujian, south China. I'm Cebuano. I left for Manila when I was 22.
I knew I could make it in Cebu, but I never thought I could make it in Manila.
The most important factors for a long life, I think, are partly in the genes; number two is lifestyle, which includes healthy diet and regular exercise. I walk, run and swim every day. However, I think too much exercise is also unhealthy because of over-stress; sometimes people who exercise too many hours per day die early.