My father was invited to play on a television show when I was 17 or 18 that was an early equivalent of educational television, a Sunday afternoon kind of variety art show.
I was wildly out of style when that television theme song suddenly pushed its way onto the Top Ten. It was certainly not the record company trying to make that happen.
In other words, musicians know that going back to the Spoonful, what we were doing was not copying.
The Jug Band was exactly what I wanted to do, and it wasn't my idea.
Well, I did a harmonica instruction tape for Homespun tapes.
Geez, I wish I could tell you I had a whole bunch of '80s hair bands, you know something you really wouldn't expect, but I don't know that the music police would be that surprised, because most of the stuff that I am influenced by is in evidence in the music.