There's almost nothing better than a baguette and a pound of salami.
Gosh, I think faith is a wonderful thing. And I even think religion's a wonderful thing. I know a lot of people want to say, 'Religion's the only reason that man has had any trouble at all,' but you know what? World War I and World War II were not fought because of religious reasons.
The first thing I did on television was a PBS thing where I played a priest. It was a Walt Whitman or Carl Sandburg story - I can't quite remember - but I was a turn-of-the-20th-century priest kind of guy. Never saw it; don't know if I was any good or not.
I'm a real geek and fan when it comes to 'Transformers.' I remember being at my first rehearsal for this film, and I looked over and saw the tractor trailer. I was thinking to myself, 'Oh, my. That's Optimus Prime.'
Some of the greatest achievements ever have been achieved as a result of the Church. The Catholic Church. I'm not Catholic but yeah, the Church, for instance, you take a walk through the Vatican, and to your right is the double helix staircase built, I think, in 1138 or something.
I cry a lot. I find great solace in it.