We don't have a good legal justification for breaking up the banking system. But if I could wave a magic wand, I'd break up the banking system.
When you read that UBS did not even view parts of its mortgage portfolio as having market risk, it becomes very obvious that a number of firms were not dotting the i's and crossing the t's when it comes to risk management.
It is my hope that visitors, artists, and students from around the world will experience all that MoMA has to offer for generations to come.
It is often constructive to meet with a candidate for a particular office, but I believe what is most important is the candidate's track record.
Long ago, I had to sort of learn to have a thick skin to read some of the things you read in the papers and to also keep my ego in check when you read some really flattering things in the papers.
Should we think about separating the investment banks from the commercial banks, a new Glass-Steagall? I would be really excited to see that. I think it would be great for the economy.