In subjects that physicists think of as purely quantum, classical ideas and classical computational techniques can often be powerful.
My passion is to understand the non-linear dynamics of warped space-time, and the ideal venue for this is black-hole collisions.
Each black hole spins on its axis like the Earth spins. That spin creates two vortexes of twisting space, somewhat like vortexes in a bathtub or a whirlpool.
A black hole really is an object with very rich structure, just like Earth has a rich structure of mountains, valleys, oceans, and so forth. Its warped space whirls around the central singularity like air in a tornado.
'Closed timelike curve' is the jargon for time travel. It means you go out, come back and meet yourself in the past.
A big misconception is that a black hole is made of matter that has just been compacted to a very small size. That's not true. A black hole is made from warped space and time.