I think looking at the front row of a Chvrches show is really diverse. It could be 50-year-old dudes who love Depeche Mode or teenagers or teenage girls and their dad.
If Radiohead made a video where Thom Yorke was featured more than the other members, nobody would say anything.
I don't buy into this idea that pop has to be frivolous or vacuous, and we've never subscribed to that.
People have said it's hypocritical for me to call myself a feminist and make the kind of music we are making, because we signed to a major in the U.K., and that system objectifies women. Or people have complained that I don't dance. But I like the idea that I can stomp around the stage if I want.
I get this weird, existential crisis when I'm looking through Instagram - and then I'll realize we work in entertainment. We know all the smoke and mirrors.
I'll scroll through Instagram, but I have to take Internet breaks.