There's very few rock & roll bands. There's rock bands, there's sort of metal bands, there's whatever, but there's no rock & roll bands - there's the Stones and us.
From the get-go, I was wise enough to say, 'Well, I'm playing rhythm 'cause Angus could really soar with the leads.' I used to mess around a little bit with lead at the time but not much; Angus, he was just so much better; he just went for it, and it was brilliant. My place was sitting with rhythm, and I love rhythm. I've always loved it.
Rock bands don't really swing... a lot of rock is stiff. They don't understand the feel, the movement, you know, the jungle of it all.
You can't outdo Angus, you know. It's a difficult one.
Angus has had a few swings at me, maybe two or three times in our whole career. But then it's done, and it's not gonna drag on, because it's not worth it. We have to stick together. And we know that.
I've never felt like a pop star - this is a nine-to-five sort of gig. It comes from working in the factories, that world. You don't forget it.