I don't know if it's cool to say this anymore, but I grew up listening to Gary Glitter. A majority of his songs were in that shuffle-blues beat, and I think that's probably why I tend to write like that.
I wasn't ever a massive David Essex fan, but I liked a few of his tracks, and Stardust was one of them.
For years, I was stuck behind a keyboard rig. When I started playing guitar onstage, it was a bit of a release - not to be stuck in one spot the whole night. It's really enjoyable having the freedom to move around. You just have to remember to end up somewhere near a microphone.
If you took music out of my life, I don't know what I'd do. It's the one thing that I have a real passion for.
God knows why - no pun intended - but every time I write a song, I feel a need to touch on religion.
I'm not particularly prolific.