I looked like a 'Super Mario Bros.' Goomba. It's arguably the ugliest haircut on the planet.
What I like most about directing is creating a world more so than anything. To me, the music is the wrapping paper on that world.
For whatever reason, all my friends are musical wizards and in great bands, but yeah, it really skipped over me. It's one art form that I can just sit back and appreciate and no have thoughts on. If I watch a movie, I always think, 'Oh, I'd have done this.' But with music, I can just sit back and think, 'All right, this is great!'
A fantastic actor in a scene that's just closed off will be good. But when working with a director who knows little tricks - correct music, slowly pushing in - that stunning performance will somehow become even better. I've always seen it as a symbiotic relationship.
I studied directing prior to acting and I've done music videos and documentaries and things that were sort of well-received.
I think the key to directing a great music video is in making sure the song is great, and if it is, then it becomes really fun.