Computing shows up in many different ways. You have computing that you wear, computing that you carry. What you think of as the traditional PC market has a long tail of usage, particularly in the commercial world, but also in consumer.
Real entrepreneurs have what I call the three Ps (and, trust me, none of them stands for 'permission'). Real entrepreneurs have a 'passion' for what they're doing, a 'problem' that needs to be solved, and a 'purpose' that drives them forward.
VMWare, as you know, remains a public company, and Secure Works is also a public company. And it's possible in the future that within the group, we could have other public companies.
We tell prospective hires, 'If you want an environment that is never going to change, don't come here. This is not the place for you.'
I can predict things. I can improve the uptime and the reliability. I can intervene and cause a better outcome before there's a problem.
One of the interesting things about the Dell-EMC combination is that we don't have a lot of overlap.