The people who are backing the Remain campaign are people who have done very well, thank you, out of the European Union.
The first thing I would like to say is that I don't think folk at Westminster - or for that matter at Holyrood - constitute an elite. They are representatives who are elected and who are at the service of voters who can fire them.
Traditional Anglicans - whether in Nigeria or Nottingham - have been wary, at best, of the acceptance and welcome given to gay men and women and their sexual choices by secular society.
The Government wants to give young people from every community the chance to learn about the heroism and sacrifice of our great-grandparents, which is why we are organising visits to the battlefields of the Western Front.
I don't think I'm a revolutionary, and I'd certainly be an unlikely one.
I just think it is entirely normal for the United Kingdom to be an independent nation state.