I remember vividly seeing 'Tarzan' and Fred Astaire, the Chaplin films, Fred Astaire musicals, MGM, because of my mother. She was just interested in everything and she took me to opera and ballet, and then ballet got me hooked.
I don't go to a gym, I don't do yoga. I don't do personal training.
Dancers are stripped enough onstage. You don't have to know more about them than they've given you already.
I get speeding ticket like everybody else. If the restaurant is full I'm waiting in line like everybody else.
My mother had a son from previous marriage and her husband died in Second World War.
I cannot draw to save my life, and I'm not a big art scholar, but I worked with many designers throughout my career - in theater, in dance, costume designers, set designers, and I have a lot of artist friends and I do photography, and I think it's kind of in my life.