Uber, like Google, is taking a highly disorganized business - in its case, private transportation such as taxicabs and private limousines - and ordering it neatly.
Having followed the wireless industry long enough, I can tell you that building and supporting an application for different platforms is as tough as climbing a straight wall of rock.
Some media companies that rely on advertising revenue are tying journalist compensation to the traffic their story generates. It doesn't work because it de-prioritizes writing.
Our economy, for a long while, has been transitioning from one reliant on industrial strength to one based on digital information. The next step in this transition is a digital economy shaped by connectivity.
The funny thing is that I used to be a blogger, but it wasn't known as 'blogging' at that time. This was in the '99/2000 time frame.
The lens through which I view the media world is pretty simple: If you are in the business of sucking up attention, then you are in the media business.