There are no more holes in my management lineup.
It is about the entire experience. It's not just a new seat. It's not just new meals. It's not just better wines.
It's so important that we tell customers what's going on as best as we can. And we're trying to do that. We don't often know ourselves, for so many different factors, but reliability, flexibility, and information are the three critical customer service orientations.
I believe we must go further in redefining what United's corporate citizenship looks like in our society... and we intend to live up to those higher expectations in the way we embody social responsibility and civic leadership everywhere we operate.
This is a pattern-bargaining industry, like railroads. You need to pay market to get a contract at all, and without contracts, you have a poor relationship with workers.
The airline industry has been closely watching, monitoring, exactly what the rail industry has done.