You had this expression on your face, like you weren’t quite sure you were supposed to be on Earth.
Try and remember what you said you'd do and why you said you'd do it. Forget what you think other people want the thing you said you'd do to be. The thing you said you'd do should only be what you want the thing you said you'd do to be. If the thing you said you'd do makes other people happy, that's great but don't say things or do things just to make them happy. Find new ways to do the thing you said you'd do that don't change the meaning of what you said you'd do. Have the purest of intentions for what you said you'd do and do it bravely. If the thing you said you'd do becomes successful, continue to act and think like it is unsuccessful, otherwise you'll spend your time worrying that it might become unsuccessful. If you said you'd involve people in the thing you said you'd do, listen to them when they say what they think you should do. If you said you'd do the thing you said you'd do alone, then go boldly into the wilderness and make your own soul be company enough, while you do the thing you said you'd do. Do right by the thing you said you'd do. Tend to it and love it. By trying to remember what you said you'd do and the reason why you said you'd do it.
It does not count if you believe in yourself when it’s easy to believe in yourself. It does not count if you believe the world can be a better place when the future looks bright. It does not count if you think you’re going to make it when the finish line is right in front of you. It counts when it’s hard to believe in yourself, when it looks like the world’s going to end and you’ve still got a long way to go. That’s when it counts. That’s when it matters the most.
Too many people mistook envy for happiness. They believed other people wanting to do the things they were doing was more important than doing things they wanted to do. So they'd edit their photographs and edit their lives and edit and lie until from a distance, it looked like they had the perfect life. But life isn't something that should be edited. Life shouldn't be cut. The only way you'll ever discover what it truly means to be alive and human is by sharing the full experience of what it means to be human and each blemish and freckle that comes with it.
You must remember this feeling, Jon. The feeling of being happy. It doesn't happen often but when it does, you must grab it with both hands and hold it close. Let it overwhelm you. Don't over analyse any emotion. But remember it. Always remember it.
Because we all need to believe in movies, sometimes.