The issue comes down to this: The NSA metadata-collection program costs lots of money, and had funds not been expended on it, they could have been used to support other programs that might have been far more effective in saving American lives.
The Earth is not endangered by humanity. But humanity is being seriously threatened by those who follow the guides of the WWF.
In any economy, the entire population is supported by the part of it that is working. All other things being equal, it thus follows that the most attractive acquisition a society can have is a young adult, whose childhood and education has already been paid for, but whose entire working life still lies ahead.
Every dollar cut from the price of oil weakens the enemies of freedom and strengthens America.
Every dollar added to the price of oil weakens America and strengthens her enemies.
Carbon is the stuff of life, and it's the stuff of everything used by human society. All of our materials are made of carbon or of substances, such as steel or glass, which are produced through the utilization of carbon.