One of the greatest assets a single person can have when seeking a partner is having a wonderful family.
I’ve stopped letting somebody else’s mood adjust my day. No matter how much I care for this person, I will create a distance that’s well deserved. My days belong to me.
Find a partner where both of you can’t wait for the other to wake up in the morning. Relationships like this make a morning cup of coffee special, heartwarming and to the point of excitement.
Buried deep within each of us is a question we’ve come to understand. The truth is we’re just not strong enough to act on it right now, but understanding what the question is that’s half the battle. Living without denial allows for freedom of the heart and mind.
We take life so serious at times, worrying about the little things, until we get to the end of our lives and wonder why we did.
We can reach a place in life where a relationship would be nice, but our life style is already nice. If we mixed the two would they blend perfectly? We’re skeptical, that we’re reaching out to past failures? Having the strength and confidence to leave any relationship allows us to take a chance.