When I have used cartoon images, I've used them ironically to raise the question, 'Why would anyone want to do this with modern painting?'
I drew as a child, they tell me. I can vaguely remember doing it. And then I drew again in the late years at high school.
I don't think that my art isn't serious. I think the subjects are not serious, or my treatments of the subjects are not serious. But then, I'm also putting down subject, because like the abstract expressionists, I don't think the subject is important.
I'm not really sure what social message my art carries, if any. And I don't really want it to carry one. I'm not interested in the subject matter to try to teach society anything, or to try to better our world in any way.
I wasn't sure pop art or my work would last more than six months.
Everybody has called Pop Art 'American' painting, but it's actually industrial painting.