If you want to advocate for change, observe critically an ongoing struggle a group of people encounter for periods of time and formulate a solution that adequately address the problem for social justice.
A true leader will make sacrifices and enhance conditions for the well being of their followers.
A person who has common knowlege can depict the casual events and the educational concepts that they learn everyday life. However, a person who has a high quotient intelligence can comprehend some critical concepts, which is unlikely for a human being with average intelligence. The method for this person to increase his/her level of intelligence is that they should be encouraged to examine or study the critical issues and difficult concepts that revolve in our current environment.
A dynamic person can easily grow and become a civil human when they start to live independently.
Life can be full of despair without intimacy from a youth's family members and they need to understand that values of caring can help an individual to overcome his or her struggle as he or she develops to become an adult.
If someone thinks that they are invincible, they would start to become arrogant with others and greedy about power. Eventually, people who are more intelligent can defeat him or her and give them a taste about their weakness.