The superpower of humanity is unconditional love.
I'm always amazed at how 'We The People' come together to assist one another during Hurricane Season or any other calamity. The beauty of human compassion always staggers me and reminds me of how divine we truly are. However, It shouldn't take a disaster, natural or otherwise, to remind us of our collective humanity.
Please do not think God has forgotten about what you've asked. Your answer, similar to rain from Heaven, is being perfectly prepared to either drizzle, pour, or flood down at any unexpected moment even when we believe we're in a season of drought. Hold on just a bit longer.
I'm proud of her; she's proud of me. There is no competition animosity, envy, or jealousy. We're just secure, confident women doing our thing while supporting each other. I call that a SiSTARship and it is the essence of a Smart Woman Achieving Greatness. (SWAG)