No one's body is up for comment. No matter how small, how curvy, how round, how flat. If you love you, then I love you.
My favorite thing to do is rip the covers off a script when reading for writers to hire and make everybody read without names on the covers of the script. I can't tell you how many times my writers, women and men, will pick people of color and women much more often than they would with a cover on the script.
I want to be able to sing like Whitney Houston did.
My philosophy was always try to look like Whitney Houston at all times. That did not work out so well.
I think any time you allow someone to see themselves reflected in another person on screen, there's validation there. It's hard to feel strong and sure of yourself when you're 15, but if you can turn on your television or computer and see someone who makes you feel like, 'I can be that strong...' there's validation there.
There are stories to be told that are still untold and characters to be portrayed that haven't been portrayed correctly. So there's work to be done.