Not even a repeat of Dawson’s Creek makes me feel better.
Do you want to be with Dave for the rest of your life?” Then he rips off a piece of paper and picks up the smallest charcoal stick from my set. He writes something. He passes it over to me. It says: Time will tell. “And while you’re waiting,” he says, “don’t settle for anything less than what you really want.
There's this total manwhore phenomenon happening, where even the geeks are player now. It's like Manhattan is this giant playground and guys want to keep playing forever.
Maybe it's impossible to find everything you want in one person. Maybe everyone in your life gives you certain things you need. And your friends give you the rest of what you can't get from your boyfriend.
Somewhere underneath it all, I know he doesn't deserve to take up space in my brain.
It feels incredible to be outside when I’m supposed to be inside. The sensation of freedom is intoxicating. - Sara