We need term limits desperately in this country.
I think if I was like Fred Astaire out there or like break dance fighting and doing crazy splits and stuff like that I think people would be like, 'ehhhh, I'm just going to watch him,' but the fact that they're like, 'I can do that,' it's fun and I think they lose themselves.
So that's kind of like how I was, even body guarding with guys I was more of a talker and ran my mouth and smiled and stuff and it kept people off, especially if a guy's is fired up and you're laughing at him or smiling or winking at him it just messes with their mind.
I used to work for a spot called the 'Saddle Ranch.'
I'm chomping at the bit for more movie roles as long as it doesn't interfere with my WWE schedule.
Snoop Dogg eats terrible. That's another reason I had to leave him. I would have been dead of a heart attack. He literally eats at 7-11. That's where he does his grocery shopping or it's Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles, or it's Denny's delivery. There's not a piece of salad or vegetable within two miles of this dude.