Economic growth is not sustainable without nation-building and, even of greater importance, state building.
Tracing, freezing, and return of stolen assets has proved in many cases to be exceptionally difficult for most African countries.
Nigeria's unity is one for which enough blood has been spilled and many hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost. Many have paid for the unity of this country with their lives, and it will be wrong of us, as men and women of goodwill in this generation, to toy with those sacrifices that have been made.
The most successful of the nations of the world are those who do not fall into the lure of secession but who, through thick and thin, forge unity in diversity.
We in Africa must prepare our economies in that direction that attracts such huge and qualitative investments. It is for us to push, and we must push.
If there is one person in Nigeria that believes that petroleum prices should not go up by one naira, it is President Buhari.