I want to be taken out of our material world and experience something that is in another dimension.
For me, Halloween is year-round. But my Halloween is the real Halloween - dealing with the real dead.
People don't understand that Las Vegas is such a small community, beyond the tourists who visit here. If you've lived here for a long time, you know everybody.
When you ghost hunt, you kind of time travel: you get that residue of the past.
Something happened to me at the precise moment that my grandmother died. She was three time zones away, but that didn't matter. I believe that I felt something at that moment she passed... some bit of her mortality slipping away.
I used to live in an old historic shipyard town called Trenton, Michigan, and a month after I moved in, I started hearing this woman screaming my full name at three in the morning, every night. Finally, on the seventh or eighth night, she screamed it again, and I woke up.