I would love to do a comedy, and I think physical comedy is something I probably have a knack on.
Neverending Story' was one movie I did see when I was a kid. On the little island I grew up on, they put up a sheet in the town hall.
One of the things I really like about TV is the family, the maintaining of the family camaraderie. Film has it, too, especially when you're on location. It's like summer camp. You'll get really close, really fast. But, then you'll have to say goodbye.
It turns out I do okay just playing an angry self-righteous woman.
Work wise, as a stunt woman, I enjoy telly - or TV - because - and, as an actor - I kind of enjoy the urgency of it. I enjoy the problem-solving that's happening. Right now, we don't have time to rehearse for hours. And, if something goes wrong, we don't have time to shoot something else for four days until we sort it out.
My strengths, I think, are that I deal really well with people. I like people. I'm fascinated by how they work so I'm good at handling situations between departments on set or pre-production or post.