Every guitarist I would cross paths with would tell me that I should have a flashy guitar, whatever the latest fashion model was, and I used to say, 'Why? Mine works, doesn't it? It's a piece of wood and six strings, and it works.'
I don't know how many bands I saw who would try to wreck a hotel room, but I never wrecked a hotel room in my life! If I'm gonna sit there and throw a TV out the window... if it's a good TV, maybe I should just take it home.
I have the Internet, but the first that happens with it is my machine will crash. I get by when it's operating. What would I know about updating?
For me, New York has always been a city of unpredictability. You can never guess what's going to happen next.
You've got to love what you do. You've got to like doing it, because it is a lot of your life.
We've always been quite clear about how we want the songs to sound. If we can imagine the song being played at a party, and it gets people tapping their feet, then it's in.