All American consumers have the same needs - to buy great consumer products, with savings and value, and with the convenience of easy delivery.
In my 40-plus years as a venture capitalist, I have come to appreciate the certainty a healthy economy provides for businesses both large and small.
In times of huge fiscal deficits, no new revenues can be ignored, and renouncing any becomes well nigh politically impossible.
My philosophy, in a nutshell, is to wipe out the greatest amount of risk with the least amount of money.
I got my first job the old-fashioned way: I took an elevator to the top floor of many buildings and walked down floor by floor on the stairs going into every firm and asking the receptionist if she knew of any jobs available.
The Enterprise Value Tax is unprecedented, punitive, and has no justification in the tax code.
The only thing... in-store retailing has that online doesn't have is it has the ability to touch, smell, feel, and experience.
As someone who understands what's needed for entrepreneurs and start-up companies to succeed, I can tell you there is nothing more integral to their success than operating in a stable financial system.
Our national debt poses a threat to all Americans and is particularly troublesome both for well-established businesses and for those seeking to enter into the marketplace.
It's actually a pretty basic concept: when businesses feel secure and confident, they are more likely to grow, hire, and invest. Conversely, when the economy is unstable, businesses often become much more risk averse, and in many cases, they're forced to make undesirable cuts that affect their bottom line.
I was very early on in taking venture capital abroad: to Europe first, then Asia.