I feel like the albums I grew up listening to - for example, Eminem, Lauryn Hill, Christina Aguilera - they all spoke about real stuff that was happening in their life and everyone else's life.
I've always been the kid to want to do anything and everything.
When you get knocked down, you got to get backup. Otherwise, you are going to lose.
I love being busy.
I've never felt the need to tell anyone that I'm bisexual. I don't feel like I am. I just feel like I'm attracted to who I like. I honestly feel like everyone is like that.
When I heard 'Rockabye,' I was just blown away. It had been a long time since I had heard a song that had a message like that in it - about being a single parent and caring for your child.
The BRIT awards is a really great occasion, especially for us Brits, because it shows the talent and support coming from our country.
I was always quite outspoken as a teenager and quite cheeky in school and stuff.
I actually have been really influenced by dance music.
I always try and make the strongest ginger tea with manuka honey to keep my voice in shape.
When I'm happy and in a good mood, I just search for other things that maybe connect to me on another level. I talk to my friends and see how they're feeling - see what's going on in their lives.
I always try and put out posts on social media about feeling good inside, and there's so much pressure for people to look a certain way and have a certain hairstyle or a certain lipstick.
I love braids and just generally playing around with different hairstyles, especially for festivals and photoshoots.
I think, all my life, I've grown up and had high expectations, but that becomes so stressful.
I would be a very different person without karate.
People never believe it when they find out I'm a karate world champion. They don't see me as the type because I'm small and blonde.
I think I got nominated in the MTV Brand New Top 10 because I'm 3x world time karate champion, and I'd probably just beat everyone up if they didn't put me in it. They were all scared!
I'm so proud of my time in karate and what I achieved. It's part of me, so I don't want to leave it behind.
If singing weren't happening, then yeah, I definitely would still be working hard at karate. I already have some teaching diplomas in it so would've continued to do that and maybe eventually had opened my own club! Maybe one day I still can.
I think Rudimental was a massive part of my life and such a great place and people and learning curve to be a part of.