I was like this weird, edgy 10-year-old. I was figuring out who I was, obviously at the worst time. I had braces and bangs, and it was a nightmare.
Making music has always made me happy. When I go through a situation, the best way for me to get over it is to bundle up all of my emotions about it, put it in a little shell, create something, and then let it go.
I'm still not entirely sure how 'Pretty Girl' blew up the way it did. It wasn't really meant to. The song was originally meant for a compilation tape for a magazine called 'The Le Sigh', and I made the video in about 30 minutes.
I've always wanted to be a PC Music girl, like Hannah Diamond or SOPHIE.
I'm still writing from personal experiences, which is what people connected with in the first place.
I bought this Oxygen midi synth from a flea market in Boston for $10. And then I found a cord in my house that fit it, and so I just started using that to do synth stuff in GarageBand.
I never want to be one of those artists who feels untouchable and extraordinary. I have to be genuine.
I'm someone that needs to talk about my problems. I call my mom every single day at school just to vent about random stuff. Singing is the same thing.