I want to go play a villain or an action hero or a nice, light, romantic comedy or something. That would be good.
One of my favorite movies is 'Some Like It Hot,' which isn't really a musical, but I'm just such a sucker for old movies. I wouldn't want to ever tarnish one of them, or do a spot-on remake, but just do something light like that where I get to glide across the floor. I would be a very happy camper.
Tourette's is involuntary in that it is impossible not to do. And it's torture to know what you're doing and not be able to stop it.
Tourette's has always been a tough one for many to digest because of its seeming irrationality: 'Why do you have to twitch or make noises? You seem normal, with no physical defects.' It's next to impossible to answer without living it.
The great thing about Showtime is that they really give us leeway and the range to explore the real dark side of stuff.
Auditioning is one of the most nerve-racking things you could ever do, but you have to be so focused that you don't tic.
I would absolutely love to do another Baz Luhrmann film, especially a 'Moulin Rouge' type picture.
I had this tic where I touch my mouth to my knee, and I'm always screwing up my back. I've had two shoulder surgeries. My doctor just smiles and laughs at me.
I would love to do a Fred Astaire/Gene Kelly type movie musical - a fun, song and dance, romantic comedy. Or, even just play the lead in one of those broad comedies - that would just be fantastic.