I just don't like the idea of having an operation to hold up the ageing process.
I'm intensely private, and I've openly shown annoyance at the paparazzi.
When I'm at the greatest odds with my body, it's usually because I feel my body's betraying me, whether that's been in the past, struggling with my weight and feeling that I couldn't eat what I wanted to eat, or that I couldn't get my body to do what I wanted it to do.
'Cougar' has become so distasteful. I really hate that expression.
I like to connect to people in the virtual world, exchanging thoughts and ideas, when in the physical world we might never have the opportunity to cross paths.
I'm an incurable optimist and a go-getter - it's in my nature to focus much more on what makes me happy than what makes me nervous.
I have had a love-hate relationship with my body.
Not caring more about what other people think than what you think. That's freedom.
I'm certainly not the first person to be in a relationship with a younger man, but somehow I was plucked out as a bit of a poster girl.
The scalpel won't make you happy.
I'm a big believer in that if you focus on good skin care, you really won't need a lot of makeup.
The thing is most people are afraid to step out, to take a chance beyond their established identity.
I have a passion for my work, and that sometimes triggers creative conflicts.