Relationships never provide you with everything. They provide you with some things. You take all the things you want from a person -- sexual chemistry, let's say, or good conversation, or financial support, or intellectual compatibility, or niceness, or loyalty -- and you get to pick three of those things. The rest you have to look for elsewhere. It's only in the movies that you find someone who gives you all those things. But this isn't the movies. In the real world, you have to identify which three qualities you want to spend the rest of your life with, and then you look for those qualities in another person. That's real life. Don't you see it's a trap? If you keep trying to find everything, you'll wind up with nothing.
— Dar nu e treaba lui, ripostează el, disperat. E treaba mea. — Tocmai asta e, Jude. Că e treaba lui. Asta înseamnă să fii într-o relaţie – nu pricepi încă? Nu pricepi că nu poţi să faci pur şi simplu ce vrei tu? Nu pricepi că, atunci când te răneşti pe tine, îl răneşti şi pe el?