time is not a line. time spins and spirals like a galaxy yet time vanishes and is gone in the Oneness of the Infinite....
Rami - Why do we have time and times passage? Dayah - In this material realm you have been counting and keeping track of the number of turns your beloved little planet takes around it's star calling these circulating passages names like 'days' 'months' or 'years'. You have numerically segmented down these 'days' into units such as 'seconds' 'minutes' or 'hours'. And there you have it! You have created what you think of as 'time'. But please remember beloved One. It is you mortals who created this concept of 'time' and 'time' is much smaller than you are. You are limitless. This dear beloved little planet is merely spinning 'round and 'round through the Infinity of the Divine Oneness of which you are the microcosm.
On Belief... When you arrive at a belief, you have come to a conclusion. Yet the infinity of the eternal Tao has no beginning and no end, and thus no conclusions. Only the openness and flow of the innocent awestruck mind of a child of the universe free of belief or doubt can fully embody this great Oneness of the All. You are that child.