Keep in mind, our demographics of our state, how it breaks down in terms of political affiliation: over half the people in this state chose not to align themselves with any party at all.
To most Alaskans, Clinton is remembered as being the one individual who has shut Alaska down by vetoing ANWR when we successfully moved it through the Congress.
We still have billions of barrels in Alaska that sit untapped. There are abundant reserves offshore in the lower 48.
A lot of the basic research that helped us figure out fracking came from the federal government.
If there is one belief that unifies most Alaskans - our true north - it is less government and more freedom. We don't want the government in our pockets or our bedrooms; we certainly don't need it in our families.
With the notion of marriage - an exclusive, emotional, binding 'til death do you part' tie - becoming more and more an exception to the rule given a rise in cohabitation and high rates of divorce, why should the federal government be telling adults who love one another that they cannot get married simply because they happen to be gay?
When you put in place regulations that are so burdensome, so tough, so much so that they cripple your economy, we then don't have the resources to invest in technologies that are going to make that difference, because it's just going to shut everything down. That's not going to help us as an economy.
From 2002-2008, Planned Parenthood received $342 million in federal taxpayer money through Title X funding alone. With these funds, Planned Parenthood has provided women throughout the U.S. with important family planning and contraceptive services as well as screening for breast and cervical cancers for low-income women.
There are times when you need to pitch a fit and other times when you need to apply Catholic guilt, and it's just figuring out which is the most appropriate approach and then implementing it.
The thought of losing Ted Stevens, a man who was known to business and community leaders, Native chiefs and everyday Alaskans as Uncle Ted, is too difficult to fathom. He truly was the greatest of the Greatest Generation.
Like the majority of Alaskans, I supported a constitutional amendment in 1998 defining marriage as only between a man and a woman, but my thinking has evolved as America has witnessed a clear cultural shift.
I have voted in support of efforts in the Senate to enact a Constitutional amendment that would have limited marriage to one man and one woman only.
Imagine that foreign development is not done to our standards and a spill occurs. Neither geology nor ocean currents will respect our national boundaries.
Think about how our country was built. The greatness came from our diversity; the greatness came from individuals with different perspectives coming together.
America's neighbors are not drilling for fun or for sport; they've chosen to proceed to create new jobs, generate new revenues, and increase the energy supply and prosperity of their citizens.
We can sit between active drilling operations in neighboring countries, complaining that it's too risky to develop our own resources while the world around us does exactly that.
You've got to move us to these technologies that allow us to get to the clean-energy source. If we can't work to reduce the cost, you're not going to see them implemented unless there is a path of unlimited subsidies, and that's not doable, either. We can kick-start the research process, but we have to do that from a position of economic strength.
Mitt Romney understands the importance of Alaska as a leader in our country's energy production and I look forward to working with him on such an important economic and national security matter.
I'm not afraid to spend money on the R&D that's really going to move us to a cleaner energy source that I think is so much the answer to the issues of environmental responsibility and climate change.
So much of what we do addresses the issues that are associated with climate change, whether it's working to reduce emissions, whether it's working to nail down our renewables, whether it's ensuring great efficiency in accessing all of our energy sources.