I keep my guns on one part of the house totally locked up, and I keep the ammunition in another part of the house.
Somebody said that in passing, you know, 'I hate cats.' You know, somebody really hates cats, and I've never figured that one out. And credit to cats - the ability to generate that much animosity, you know.
You know, I'll tell who's really embraced football is Austria. Austria's really embraced football.
I do have a Viking axe by the bed if I need to whack someone... My wife bought me a Viking axe - the axe side curls down so you can grab the adversary around the neck and you can use it to climb walls, as a grappling hook.
I feel like a caffeine addict.
I don't know how good mountain lions do in captivity. I'm curious.
I think the legal profession is getting somewhat corrupted. When it comes to lawyers, I think it's kind of a Catch-22. On one hand, there's so much process, procedure and mess caused by the legal profession. But on the other hand, the only way to sort through all that process, procedure and mess is through the legal profession.
I'm proud to say I had a bet with a guy from Chicago who said Chicago is windier and colder than Wyoming. Wyoming dominated them.
Well, you're going to be dead in a hundred years anyway, so live dangerously.
My fondest part of college was the interaction and everything I did with my fellow students.
I ought to have Mike's Pirate School. The freshmen, all they get is the bandanna. When you're a senior, you get the sword and skull and crossbones. For homework, we'll work pirate maneuvers and stuff like that.
At an unusually young age, I read 'Instant Replay' by Jerry Kramer, which talked a lot about the Green Bay Packers and Vince Lombardi. From there I was really more a fan of coaches than teams and players.
I think that when you die, you continue to progress. You continue to grow in kind of an elevated state, but I don't think you sit there and wallow around and play the harp.
I don't think they necessarily do nearly as much haunting as people think. If you believe in the Bible, pretty much part of the deal that goes with it is ghosts.
I listen a lot to Howard Stern. Not the show, the interviews. He has a separate podcast of just interviews. They're fantastic.
Freedom of speech should be wide open as long as it doesn't incite violence.
I've always thought that the - as far as regions of the country that people brag about, as far as top talent, the Inland Empire is awfully hard to beat.
You know, the loudest stadium I've ever played in was 45,000 people at War Memorial Stadium in Little Rock, Arkansas. The entire thing is concrete. It's like dropping a ball bearing in your neighbor's basement.
There's a reason they only serve fruitcake once a year, because it's awful. There's a reason they only serve mint julep's once a year, because they're awful. And there's a reason they only serve candy corn once a year, because it's awful.
Playing someone difficult is tough and can be discouraging, but if you beat them the payoff is huge!