There's no doubt we'd be very angry if the American president had come to the Knesset and argued against the government of Israel.
It seems to me that many of the belligerent Jewish movements that were built upon hatred of Arabs - and I'm not only talking about Lieberman, but within the Likud as well - grew out of the patronizing socialist attitude that said, 'They'll be there, and we'll be here.'
We must stay focused on the bilateral negotiations between the Palestinians and us.
Learning the core curriculum cannot come through coercion. It must come through a recognition of the need to integrate with economic life.
There is a crisis on the Right. It sees the Jewish and democratic state as a democracy for the Jews. This is something I cannot countenance.
We cannot keep the Jewish state without being a democratic state.
We can establish a Jewish and democratic state, but the burden of proof is on us.
It pains me to see the gap that exists in the public's consciousness - religious and secular - between the notion of Israel as a Jewish state and as a democratic state.
Undoubtedly, a democratic state without an alternative is a danger to democracy itself.
There are no short cuts, no detours in the Middle East.
In the end, Arik believes in security above all and is a salient pragmatist, a disciple of Ben-Gurion.
There's no doubt that our hearts are with the residents of Gaza. We and the whole world are unable to get to a situation in which Gaza can be rehabilitated. There needs to be an international initiative with Israel's participation, in order to bring an end to the enmity against us.
Every opinion must be suffered. One must listen to what may be rousing, annoying, even shocking, but it must be done honestly, fairly and with equanimity, respecting the rights of every Member of the Knesset and each faction, guarding the minority in the face of the predatory majority.
I hereby swear, in my name and that of all our descendants, that we will never act against the principle of equal rights, and we will never try and force someone from our land.
We are living in a multicultural society. Our role as leaders is to enable grappling with this situation, even when multiculturalism is difficult.
Multiculturalism is a bed of beautiful roses that has some thorns, so we just have to be careful not to get pricked or to prick one another.
We need a broad government which will make decisions, but not a national unity government, because we are divided from within.
Netanyahu must mend fences with Obama.
The reality is that we only have one person whom the public sees as appropriate to be prime minister, and that's a shame. I think that if there were more, it would be better for everyone, including Netanyahu.
We are not fighting against the Palestinian people, and we are not at war with Islam. We are fighting against terrorism.