India continues to be guided by the principles of being non-interfering, non-prescriptive, and non-judgemental. In other words, India remains ready to provide any support but strongly believes that it is for the Arab countries to decide their destiny without any external interference or diktats from outside.
These are important markers in our engagement with South East Asia, in enhancing our strategic ties with ASEAN across 3 Cs. These 3 Cs are commerce, connectivity, and culture.
Our diaspora provides a platform for a stronger relationship between India and ASEAN countries.
India's engagement with the ASEAN region lies in the clarity of the principles that we share.
Our North East region will prosper when it is better connected to South East Asia, and when the North East becomes our bridge to South East Asia, we will be closer to realising our hopes for India and ASEAN ties.
In our midst, there are nations that still speak the language of terrorism, that nurture it, peddle it, and export it. To shelter terrorists has become their calling card. We must identify these nations and hold them to account.
Terrorism and extremism bear different names and labels. It uses diverse causes. But in each case, it is driven by distortion of religion and a misguided belief in its power to succeed.
The NSG entry is crucial for India's energy policy.
The world's biggest challenge comes from the threats of climate change and terrorism. In India's case, terrorism is not bred in some faraway land but from across our border.
I think the firmness in one's stance can be conveyed in a different manner without being indecent or using harsh words.
Wherever Modi has addressed the local Indian communities during his visits to foreign countries, the Indians there are extremely happy. After the prime minister's visits, the Indians in those countries are feeling a great sense of pride, and the respect for them has increased.
I can go to foreign countries, but following the advice of the doctors to stay away from dust, I am unable to visit Vidisha, as mostly it comprises of rural areas only.
The question the electorate asks is: 'What can you do for us? Are you just using us to defeat somebody because you have a personal grievance?'
These nations, in which U.N. designated terrorists roam freely, lead processions, and deliver their poisonous sermons of hate with impunity, are as culpable as the very terrorists they harbour. Such countries should have no place in the comity of nations.
We attach high priority to India's relations with Israel.
The OIC has a huge responsibility and a great opportunity to lift humanity to a higher level of peace and prosperity and to make this planet a better place, not just for your people but for rest of the world.
The home ministry's role should be focused. There are so many items under it today; it has to look after even official languages. There should be a minister looking after internal security, and the remaining things should go under another ministry. Things like official languages can be looked after by the human resources development ministry.
A leader is not born out of the blue. You have to know the pulse of the people from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Gujarat to Guwahati. You have to relate yourself with them, and only then does one become a leader.
I view everything in the context of Lord Krishna's will, and for me, it is fine if things go in my favour or against.
If things happen for the good, I say that Lord Krishna wished it so, and if anything goes against me, even then I say Lord Krishna wanted it to happen that way.