There are some parts of my life that are wonderful, and it's amazing to get to go to cool events and award shows and things like that, but I think the outside perception is that your life just changes overnight and you wear Dolce and Gabanna suits and drive a Mercedes. But life's just not like that.
I think being busy is a healthy thing.
Doing the press has become as much of a job as getting in front of the camera. You have to avoid burnout, avoid saying anything stupid, but still come across as yourself.
In school, I always sang in choirs. In fact, I used to do a lot of musicals in the youth theatre that I was a member of between the ages of 16 and 18.
I always sang in school choirs and went on tours to other countries. I have always loved it. It's a very communal thing, and you really connect with people.
I've got Colin Firth's number in my phone!
I would have to have some tragedy and romance in my life, but I've actually had a very cushioned, caring upbringing. I'm desperately seeking some edge. Maybe I'll find it one day.
I'm a big Otis Redding fan, Al Green, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye. My hero is David Bowie. But I like the Beatles, the Stones.
I don't want to worry about maintaining an air of decorum that's not natural to me.
I loved DreamWorks and Pixar, and I still love kids' films.
I'm into books - I love literature, so I toyed with the idea of being an English teacher. I had a fantastic English teacher at school. I think great English teachers make the world go round.
If I could play any superhero... my favorite superhero is Spider-Man. Andrew Garfield is wonderful at doing it to the point that I don't think I should play it.
The endless teen franchises that come out of Hollywood... more often than not, the central character doesn't have any discernible character traits. They're just the young, good-looking guy who goes on this journey. They're always played by fantastic young actors, but ultimately, they're not very interesting characters.
I feel like I've made good friends with people I've worked with, but in terms of lasting inspiration, it is probably Matthew Vaughn who directed 'Kingsman' who's been really supportive, loyal to me, and been a really good person to work with.
I didn't go to drama school to be a musical theatre performer. I enjoyed it, but I didn't go to do that; I went to be an actor.
For my money, when you're doing an on-camera performance, unless it's for something particularly stylised, you are, by and large, striving for naturalism.
Franchises mean that you're tied in. That's a lovely feeling of comfort to the whole thing. From a business perspective, it really keeps you current and lets you go and do other smaller, more pedestrian things.
I want to play real characters rather than young leads in very plotty things. I want variety.
You go to drama school, and the people you revere and admire are those who work on the London stage, and you hope that's a world that you'll be able to break into and do enough occasional television and small film work to eventually get to the point where you're paying the bills.
I used to sculpt a bit as a kid.