Bollywood has a pretty chilled out approach. For instance, we don't wear shoes inside the studio. There is a strict behavioural protocol to be followed in the regional studios, while here in Bollywood, it is more informal.
As a teen, I enjoyed Sufi music and ghazals the most. But as my career began, I drifted off to playback and other streams over the years.
I will safely say that I prefer singing a song in a stretch if I am allowed to. A lot of times, I do choose to and do sing the asthayi and antara in one take, respectively. And I give a few takes until I feel it is perfect.
A lot of linguists in the market, especially interpreters of foreign languages, do not have a great command over the English language, especially if they are translating into English.
To be honest, until I started dubbing, I didn't realize the amount of work of a dubbing artiste puts in. Especially the artistes that dub for villains. They really stretch their vocal cords to a different dimension.