The 3Cs of Leadership; Character; the compassionate morality to protect others rights, Charisma; an inspiring personality which gives hope, and Competency; with unquenchable thirst for knowledge
If human faith and beliefs taught the universal doctrine that everyone should work for second life with a more purposeful Karma; where human could live with the wisdom to learn every human language, adapt to every culture, believe in every God or deity human had adapted, and be able to perceive the world from everyone else revelation…perhaps, only then, human will stop killing, hating or dehumanizing each other and endeavor to prevail for peaceful endings…..
مهما تقلبت الامور امامك، اذا استمريت بأن تتفاعل مع كل شيئ تسمعه بإسلوب مشجون بالعاطفة فستتألم كل مرة. لأن القوة الحقيقة بكل مجلس هو ان تتمعن بكل شيء من نظرة منطقية، وان تضبط نفسك مهما حدث او قيل امامك.... لانه اذا كانت كلمات الاخرين تسيطر عليك فهذا يعني ان الاخرين يسيطرون عليك.... تمهل بكل شيء فالوقت حليفك ودواء لكل داء.....
Morality is a man-made spectrum with two extremes between what each culture perceives as right and wrong, and such perception is extremely biased by specific social norms.