These people fail to realize that it is on the inside that God must be defended, not on the outside. They should direct their anger at themselves. For evil in the open is but evil from within that has been let out. The main battlefield for good is not the open ground of the public arena but the small clearing of each heart.
Wahai, wanita-wanita yang hingga usia tiga puluh, empat puluh, atau lebih dari itu, tapi belum juga menikah (mungkin kerana kekurangan fizikal, tidak ada kesempatan, atau tidak pernah 'terpilih' di dunia yang amat keterlaluan mencintai harta dan penampilan wajah.) Yakinlah, wanita-wanita solehah yang sendiri, namun tetap mengisi hidupnya dengan indah, bersedekah dan berkongsi, berbuat baik dan bersyukur. Kelak di hari akhir sungguh akan menjadi bidadari-bidadari syurga. Dan khabar baik itu pastilah benar, bidadari syurga parasnya cantik luar biasa.
You can lose your MONEY. You can lose your FRIENDS. You can lose your JOB and you can lose your MARRIAGE...and still long as there is HOPE. Never lose HOPE.
BLACK AND WHITE I was born into A religion of Light, But with so many other Religions and Philosophies, How do I know which ONE Is right? Is it not My birthright To seek out the light? To find Truth After surveying all the proof, Am I supposed To love Or fight? And why do all those who Try to guide me, Always start by dividing And multiplying me – From what they consider Wrong or right? I thought, There were no walls For whoever beams truth and light. And how can one speak on Light's behalf, lf all they do Is act black, But talk WHITE?